Sunday, January 16, 2011

Technology in the Classroom, expectation or consideration???

With all of the demands put on today's educators, through No Child Left Behind and standardized testing, is technology really something that can be expected of them on a regular basis, or should it be a consideration to enhance lesson plans when time permits?

Personally, I believe that technology has to be an expectation of all teachers.  I am not sure how our students will succeed in the world today, or in the future, if they are not accustomed to using different forms of technology on a daily basis.  Cellphones, laptops, video games, gps systems, blogs, wikis, chats, are as common as cars and television.  Technology should be integrated into our students daily learning.  It is our responsibility as teachers to educate our students on modern technology, as much our responsibility as teaching reading, math, science, social studies, and implementing differentiated instruction in the classroom to make sure all of our students succeed.

What are your thoughts?

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